accredited curriculum

AcCredited curriculum

Our provision offers support through these accredited awards; Edexcel BTEC, Baccalaureate, Active Citizenship, Duke of Edinburgh and personal development awards

Our core values of trust, purpose and excellence is found central to our approach, effectively producing growth in character and ownership of decisions, leading to a proven record of increasing attendance and engagement, students completing an accredited award and qualifications, increased application of literacy and numeracy contributing to a higher skill level and self belief, positive transformation of attitude towards authority and work.

All of LoadedUK educational provisions offer an experience that awakens learning through purposeful application.

Our provision is curriculum aligned, supplies clear targets and learning outcomes that help students chart their progress and importantly develop skills for the future.


Activity Provision

We believe that people can learn best through doing an activity

Skills can be caught in a way that young people don't feel taught. Our activity provision focusses on being in team, offering enrichment days or participating in adventure activities. These days teach others how to behave, increase engagement, learn core values like finishing a task, being punctual, communicating well, putting in best effort, creative thinking, receiving and giving encouragement, learning to plan and enacting it, the value of commitment.


Behaviour & learning support

We believe every person is loaded with potential

Every young person will encounter challenges at some point in their life but it’s how they manage those challenges and overcome those obstacles that will shape the person they become. We have seen through our coaching approach a supportive and safe environment emerges, equipping young people to better understand and manage the choices they make and direction they choose to take.